#MandalasForMarinke: Crochet Project In Memory of Wink from A Creative Being

mandalas for marinke

I have been deeply impacted this morning by the news that Marinke (Wink) of A Creative Being succumbed to suicide. (See full post here.) And I feel like I need to do something. After re-reading her story in Crochet Saved My Life, mulling it over during meditative crochet and mindful walking, I’ve come up with the project. It’s called #MandalasForMarinke.

See FAQ for more info.

What is #MandalasForMarinke?

This is a collaborative crochet art project in which contributors from all over the world are invited to create a crochet mandala in honor of Wink. This project will be used to celebrate her life and creativity as well as to raise awareness about depression.

How to Contribute to #MandalasForMarinke

  • Crochet one or more mandalas using a pattern by Wink. The more colorful the better but of course all mandalas will be accepted. NOTE: In an update I’ve added that in addition to seeking regular mandalas for wall display, I am also now seeking tiny mandalas, huge cozy rug mandalas and mandalas made out of alternative materials. See details here.
  • Add a handwritten (or typewritten) note. It may include any or all of the following:
    • What inspires you about Wink’s work
    • Why you chose to contribute to the project
    • Something you want people to know about depression and / or crafting to heal
    • Your own story related to mental health/ depression/ suicide
    • A message directly to Wink or Wink’s family about how her work touched you
    • Note: If you don’t wish to include any of these things, feel free to draw a picture or just share a short message like “thinking about you Wink”.
  • Additionally please include an index card with your name and email address as well as any of the following information that you would like published online. (Note that your email address will not be published; that’s for me to be able to contact you as needed to keep you updated on the project.) Include:
    • Website/ blog
    • 1-2 social media links
    • 1-2 sentence bio about yourself
    • Any additional brief information you want people to know.
    • Note: It is totally fine not to include any of this. If you wish to be anonymous, just print your name on the card (so I know who sent it) and then write ANONYMOUS beneath it.
  • Optional: Before mailing in your contribution, take a photo of it and share it on your own blog and / or social media channels. You can share your story there if you’d like. Use the #MandalasForMarinke hashtag so we all know where to find it!
  • Optional: Share a photo of your photo with the tag #MandalasForWink. The Design Wars team (including ACCROchet) has set up this online project as a separate tribute to Wink but it dovetails nicely with mine. The more we celebrate Wink, the better.
  • Mail your contribution. Contributions must be postmarked no later than August 31, 2015. Deadline extended to October 15, 2015.

Mandalas for Marinke

c/o Kathryn Vercillo

1917 Fillmore St. #3

San Francisco, CA 94115

  • NOTE: By sending in a contribution, you are agreeing that your crochet mandalas as well as your written message are allowed to be published online and in print and showcased in an art show to raise awareness about depression. There will be no monetary compensation for your contributions. Contributions will not be returned.

What Will Happen with Contributions to #MandalasForMarinke

Here is what I commit to for this project:

  • Each contribution will be recorded and shared online here on Crochet Concupiscence with the #MandalasForMarinke tag. It will also be promoted through social media. Each post will include at least one fact about depression to help raise awareness about this issue as we celebrate Wink’s work.
  • All of the crochet and written contributions will be curated into an art show here in San Francisco in late 2015/ early 2016. (Date and exact location TBD.) The show will include a pamphlet about depression awareness and how crochet can help with depression. It will also include a live reading from Crochet Saved My Life.
  • The crochet and written contributions will be compiled into a book associated with the art show. It will be for sale online to reach everyone who can’t be present at the actual event. A portion of all sales from this art book will go to raising awareness about depression. (Exact organization and donation amount TBD. Careful research needs to go into this selection.)
  • Update: I will also find a way to donate the mandalas after the art show. I’m not sure to who or where yet. It just occurred to me after reading a lovely comment from Christine on Facebook who said, “When I read your post, I was struck by the joy and creative flair of Wink’s designs -I am sure that anyone receiving one of her creations would have a smile on their face every time they looked at it.” This is so true and I want to find a way to share these mandalas with others.

I’ll post periodic updates about the project, specifically when I’ve got additional info for you about the date and location of the art show and the organizations that will receive proceeds and the mandalas.

UPDATE: See the FAQ for this project here.

Why I’m Doing This

When I read the news about Wink this morning, I felt like I’d been punched in the heart. She and I first connected online when she shared her story with me for Crochet Saved My Life so there’s this thread tying us together linking crochet and depression in both of our lives. I feel intertwined with her in this way. I knew that I needed to do something. Here’s why:

  • Wink’s work means a lot to me. I don’t want it to be wasted. I want it to be celebrated. I want to honor her and the immense creativity she brought to the craft world. That’s the main reason for doing this. She is a beautiful soul with amazing talent and it should continue to be shared.
  • Crochet saved my own life and the lives of many people I know. In the end, crochet couldn’t save Wink’s life forever. That’s tragic. But I know from our many online interactions that it did improve her life in many, many ways. It brought joy and creative expression to her world and to the many worlds that she touched through her work. Crochet is not a cure all and it can’t fix things but it does help us heal. I want people to know this.
  • I know that many people will be affected by the news about Wink and won’t know what to do with the feelings that it brings up. Crocheting in the wake of tragedies can help us individually and collectively in so many ways. Crocheting mandalas, in particular, can be meditative and healing. I want to offer this project as a way for people in the online craft community to channel their grief or any other feelings that they are having.
  • Finally, I’m doing this in part for myself. I am sad about this death. I am scared about the role depression has played in my own life and the knowledge that even doing all of the “right” things might not save me from it forever. I need to come together with my own community in this way to re-balance things for my own mental health.

Other Ways to Honor Wink

I would love it if you participated in this project, sending in at least one mandala and statement. But it’s okay if you don’t want to. Here are some other ways that you can honor Wink:

  • Share this post on your own blog and social media accounts so people know about it.
  • Visit and share on the memorial website her loved ones set up.
  • Wear a flower in your hair on July 2nd and share a photo of it tagged #wearingflowersinmyhairforwink. This is an Instagram tribute that’s been set up because the last photo on Wink’s Instagram has her with flowers in her hair.
  • Raise awareness about depression among your community in any way that feels right to you. It’s important to talk about this topic.


  1. Count me in. I’ll get started on it now as I need this to help me with my sadness. Thanks Kathryn.

  2. Thank you. I shall start one now, while sadness embraces me and I need to see something beautiful emerge from here with me. I would also like to offer a healing Mantra for Mink and all those whose lives she touched.
    In Light x

    • I would love to know about the healing mantra as well. I have also been really impacted by this news, as I was close to making the same decision 6+ months ago. I followed her on social media, but was not aware of her story until now. Such a tragic story, and really hits home. I will for sure be joining in on this project. Also, if you have jot heard about the semi-colon project, you should check it out!! http://www.thesemicolonproject.com/

      • Thank you. I didn’t know that project before now so I’m glad that you’ve shared it.

        I also want you to know that even though I don’t know you personally, I am so glad that you decided not to make that decision. Keep doing all of the things you need to do to take care of yourself. I’ll keep you all posted on the healing mantra as soon as I know more.


  3. Thanks for setting up #MandalasforMarinke. It’s so sad to have lost a talented designer. I’m making my mandala in memory of Wink and to help raise awareness about that devouring beast named depression. x

  4. Hi Kathryn, this is the first time I am posting on your page, and I came to know about Wink through some FB feeds. The fact that she was a wonderful being is obvious because so many of the veteran crocheters whose page I have subscribed to have shared news about her untimely death. I think I have seen many of Wink’s mandalas and may have even visited her page, but I never really got to try them due to some reason or the other. Now I think I want to do it because this is for a bigger cause. We never know what could happen to us,and never know if I may also be hit by depression in the future. But crochet is definitely very healing for me too. I would like to contribute too. So I will try to do them by the deadline you have stated. Thanks once again. My thoughts and prayers go out to Wink’s family and hope they get all the strength to tide through. Things may never be the same for their family, but I pray for the best for their family.

    • Thank you for your message. I am so touched by how many people in the community have responded to this tragedy. I’m glad to know that we have each other. Your description of how depression affects us is so accurate. Big hugs to you. <3

      • Thanks Kathryn for the selfless effort. I think this is the least I could do from miles across the globe. I have learnt the hard way that if we don’t learn to empathize, some day or the other it could happen to us and we will not have a soul by our side even for a little comfort. Maybe I am doing this for myself too! Crochet definitely taught me a lot and I am still learning. I will try to share as much as I can, but I prefer to remain anonymous, and I like the fact that you respect everyone’s need for privacy, as I could see by your post above. I will get back to you soon once I decide on something good to contribute. Hugs to you too !

        • Yes, I definitely respect the need for privacy. If you want to contribute something to the project and stay completely anonymous, that’s totally fine. I absolutely understand that we are all in different stages and have different comfort levels when it comes to sharing our issues. I definitely think that this is something that we do for ourselves, to heal, but in doing it in a collaborative way it can help others as well. That’s what I hope anyway.

          • Thanks for understanding Kathryn. Yes, even I think that when we heal ourselves, it will eventually lead to a better understanding of things around us. I definitely support your idea of doing in a collaborative way to help others as well. I haven’t made up my mind on what I could crochet, so will let you know once I do…

  5. This loss of a young, talented life, is just an example of so many lives, young and old, lost to depression. It is a constant struggle for people with this illness. My son is manic depressive and regularly battles with bouts of depression. He is in the middle of a bout now and Wink’s death just makes me realize how depression can steal a life even when you think it is somewhat under control. Medication over the years has robbed my son of a good part of his ability to remember things. I am very fortunate that he has been high functioning enough to have a wife and 3 children who are all older now. This has been going on for years and he has been surrounded by a large and good support group,……..his family and friends. Only people who have dealt with this illness know how devastating it is and the struggle that they go through just to live! He has thought about suicide, but the thought that his family would have to live with that for the rest of their lives has helped keep him in check. My condolences to the family that she left and I hope some progress is made for the end of this disease! God Bless

    • Thank you for sharing your experience. I am so sorry to hear of your son’s struggles and so glad that he has found continued strength in the support around him. Huge hugs to all of you.

  6. Yo soy una persona que padezco de depresión mayor severa me mantengo todo mi tiempo tratando de aprender a tejer me gustan las manualidades y los proyectos tejidos a crochet pequeños, quisiera ustedes pudieran ayudarme,además tengo 8 condiciones más! ! Espero me ayuden,Besos y abrazos Carmen

    • Sending hugs and support on your journey. You might like to join the Crochet Saved My Life group on Ravelry. We connect there to talk about our troubles and our crafts. It’s in English but hopefully with translation tools we can make it work!

      Google Translation:

      Envío de abrazos y apoyo en su viaje. Es posible que como para unirse al ganchillo ahorraron mi grupo La vida en Ravelry. Conectamos allí para hablar de nuestros problemas y nuestras artesanías. Está en Inglés, pero esperemos que con las herramientas de traducción que puede hacer que funcione!

  7. Kathryn,

    I was so saddened to read about Wink today. Like you I felt like I had been punched in the gut, shaking, nauseas, very much needing a quiet moment in my rowdy house to think it all over. I know my husband could see the change in my manner after I read the news, though I hadn’t said anything to him.

    Unlike you, I didn’t have a chance to get to know Wink, but I have seen her work and am saddened by her loss to the battle of depression as well as the loss to the crochet community.

    After reading the news and encouragement from Alessandra, of Just Be Happy Crochet, to crochet Mandalas in her memory I had the same thought as you. Let’s make these Mandalas count in some way. She directed me to you and I’m so thankful she did. I will definitely be contributing several Mandalas for this amazing project, in her memory and to raise awareness about depression. I’ve never made one before, but I know that whenever I do in the future I will always think of her and this amazing cause.

    This project is very close to my heart. Four years ago I lost my little brother to suicide at the age of 19 and life will never be the same. My heart aches for her family and everyone’s life she touched.

    I have a few ideas that I would like to run by you one on one if you’re open to hearing them. 🙂

    It’s amazing what you’ve done here in such a short time and I’m truly thankful that you were inspired to put this project together.

    Thank you and hugs!

    • Thank you so much for reaching out here and sharing your story and your thoughts. It means so much. I’m definitely interested in hearing your ideas and will email you right away. Let me know if for any reason that email doesn’t come through. For now I’ll say that my heart goes out to you over the loss of your brother. I am so sorry that it happened to him and that it’s happened to Wink. It’s such a difficult thing.

  8. I am in. I suffer from Military PTSD and crocheting keeps me safe sometimes. As with Wink depression can take over any day. I pray for her and her family.

    • I am so sorry that you cope with PTSD, which is such a difficult thing. I’m really glad that crochet can help you. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated and will go to raise awareness about depression and mental health.

  9. a portion of the money from the pamphlets will go to suicide awareness? So where is the rest of it going!?

    • The cost of the pamphlet will come out of my own pocket. A portion of the proceeds from the art books will go to a depression/ suicide awareness organization. Creating and publishing books costs a lot of money so some of the price of those books has to go back into their creation. I didn’t name the organization or amount yet because I think it is really important to do specific research into both the right cause and the right amount that will still allow the books to get published. Hope that clarification helps make sense!

  10. Count me in. Wink’s designs are so colorful and beautiful. I can’t wait to make something beautiful in her memory. I lost my grandfather to suicide in 1984 and it never leaves you. My heart breaks for her family . RIP Wink. We will miss you.

    • Thank you for your message. I am so sorry about the loss of your grandfather. My grandmother’s father committed suicide. I didn’t know him because that was before I was born but I believe that these things continue to ripple down through the generations in their impact. It’s such a difficult thing. Sending huge hugs your way. Will be happy to have your contribution.

  11. I didn’t know Wink at all, and just heard the news via social media in the craft community… But as far as I’m concerned we all lost a fellow craft sister, and I am saddened that she felt that was the only way to be at peace. Depression is real, and I am honored to be part of your campaign to raise awareness and honor Wink in such a wonderful way. <3

    • Thank you Gina. Your message means a lot. I’m glad that Wink’s work can keep helping people, even those who didn’t know her before now. <3

  12. Kathryn,

    I too was shocked and saddened to hear of Wink’s passing. Here in my little crochet group in Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, UK we have been truly inspired by her beautiful colour work and fabulous designs. We are all very aware of how greatly crochet (and other crafts) can help us through difficult times; sadly it was not enough to draw Wink back from the edge. You have done brilliantly to get your memorial project up and running in such a short time. I should very much like to contribute a mandala. Only six weeks ago my ladies were learning to crochet in the round with one of Wink’s patterns – I shall certainly share your project with them.

    Thank you,
    Jenny x

    • Oh I’m so happy to hear that Wink’s work is inspiring people all over the world in this way. Thank you for letting me know about your group. Huge hugs to each of you. All contributions will be hugely appreciated and will help to raise awareness about depression.

  13. I am still a novice i took up crochet because of depression and have to say how much it helped.my thoughts are with you at this sad time

      • I came across the Mandalas that Wink made on a crochet site on facebook and now find that a tragedy has taken place that breaks my heart. I’m so sorry to hear of this great loss and really don’t know the whole story and about the pamphlet. If you could enlighten me through e-mail I would, so much, appreciate your time. I was a knitter and have been a crocheter but since my husband died in 1999 have found that I cannot get back into knitting. I knitted at the hospital while I stayed with him and now can’t even finish the item I was working on. Yes, I am being treated for depression but mine seems so small compared to this.Thank you for sharing and caring!

  14. Having battled my own demons I had admired Marinke and her journey. I was shattered when I saw the news today and felt so lost and after reading all the wonderful comments here it was comforting to know I wasn’t alone. Thank you so much Kathryn for creating this wonderful project where we can all come together to grieve, remember, share and most importantly celebrate Marinke!!

    • Thank you Michelle. It is so important to me to be able to create strength in our community during this time and to give us all a way to honor Wink’s work while we grieve. I really appreciate your message.

  15. I read the news last night and went and lit a candle on the online memorial. Depression takes the colour, sense, meaning and worth from people’s lives. A long time ago, I was in a similar place. With help and healing I was able to get through, but there are days when the darkness feels to close for comfort, mainly days when I am in pain from my fibromyalgia. Crochet gives me something to focus on and although it can never cure the condition I have, it gives me a sense of peace and accomplishment. That’s what gets me through the painful days. I will be sending a mandala and wearing flowers in my hair. Hugs to all xx

    • Thanks so much for your message Nikki. You’ve described depression exactly. So sorry that it’s something that grips you at times and so glad that you have crochet to help keep you out of it. Really glad that you’ve shared. <3

  16. Hi
    I’m from Australia and was wondering when you would like to have these Mandalas by? Is there an end date? I would really love to be a part of this as my daughter suffers from anxiety/depression and is in a very dark place right now I only have time on and off to work on my crochet right now so if it’s a short cut off I could possibly get one sent off for both wink and my daughter at least
    Thank you in advance
    P.S. If possible ( I know you will be very busy right now so I do understand if you can’t) could you please email me the cut off dates as I don’t always get on the computer
    Beth xx
    Life’s to short to waste a moment

    • So sorry to hear about your daughter’s struggles. I am wondering if she crochets and would like to help you? I’ll send an email to you directly but I’d like to have all mandalas postmarked by August 31.

  17. Hello,

    Just reading your wonderful ideas regarding the mandalas for Wink – you said you weren’t sure what to do with them afterwords. I know this would be probably pretty complicated, but what if after all the art shows and such, the mandalas were randomly sent back to everyone who submitted one. It’d like a mandala swap, but the whole idea behind it is that we are showing the community of crochet and that every time you look at a mandala received and made from another crocheter, you are reminded of the community’s support and that you are truly not alone. Just an idea and thought I’d share.

    Warm regards,

    • Oh, that’s a really awesome idea!

      I was thinking that I’d love to donate them to people who had lost someone to suicide. But we’ve all lost someone to suicide with the tragic loss of Wink’s life. Everyone who has contributed would certainly be inspired again every time they saw that mandala.

      Still mulling over the options but really, really like this one and will organize submissions as they come in in such a way to make it possible if that’s what we decide to do!

      • It just occurred to me that the mandalas that are sent might go further in helping to combat depression by being donated to various psychiatric centers that treat people with depression — either to be given to patients upon their discharge from the facility along with a small note or “business”-type card printed with a support group phone number along with a small note about public support for finding a way to treat and/or cure depression to help serve as a reminder to them that there are people that care about, and are supportive of, their recovery from depression — or to be displayed in various areas of the treatment facility with a small plaque stating how and why they are being displayed, which might in itself be supportive of their struggle to overcome depression. I think that the expense involved with returning the mandalas to those who sent one in would have a significantly negative impact on the funds you are trying to raise for a book or pamphlets for use in outreach to educate and support finding treatments or a cure for depression. Just a thought.

        • Thank you for this terrific idea. There are a few different options in the works (including something like this what you’ve suggested) but I haven’t decided anything yet. I’ll keep you posted. I appreciate all input!!

  18. I only discovered Wink from your recent posts, but crochet has been a big stabilizing force in my depression recently. I’d like to do a mandala for depression awareness and the camaraderie that the crochet community provides.

    • I’m glad that I’ve been able to share Wink’s work and to continue to share it so that people can keep being inspired by what she was able to bring to the world. I’m so sorry that you, too, like so many of us, struggle with depression and am so glad that crochet has been able to help you. Really appreciate your message <3

  19. Kathryn, thanks so much for popping by my blog (www.garnharmoni.com) and letting me know about this. I have shared your page there in the hope of spreading the initiative wider. It is a sad time but this sounds like a way to bring some light into the darkness, awareness and thoughts for others struggling with depression with the art form we love and can share together.
    Love and Light, Christina (Sweden)

  20. Hi Kathryn can i put all the information that you ask is spanish??? (Index card) is much better for me in Spanish, i can read a lot of English, that why i know wink, i love her work but for writing i’m so bad

    • Yes, you are welcome to write any of the information that you want to write in Spanish. I’m the same in Spanish as you are in English – I understand it but don’t speak it very well!

      Translation: Si, puedes escribir todo la información en español. Yo entiendo español mas o menos pero no puedo escribirlo bien. 🙂

  21. You are doing a wonderful thing in Wink’s memory. Depression is a b—h. Thank you for making more people aware of this condition. It seems creative people suffer more from this than others. My ♡ goes out to her family and friends. I have also been battling this most of my life.

    • Thank you for your message. It’s been so touching to me how many people have been impacted by her death and how many people are sharing their own stories of depression already. I hate that so many of us suffer from this. And I’m glad that this project can be a channel for people to express their grief in a creative way and to raise awareness about this issue while celebrating Wink’s life and work.

  22. It is heartbreaking that I just learned about Wink through her tragedy. I love how she inspired so many through her crochet. I may not have been able to get to know her work while she was alive, but I think this project, inspired by her story and her loss, is a moving tribute to her for anyone who did know her or know of her. I’ll be participating and will be getting yarn tonight to start my own mandala. Having suffered from depression myself over the years, this is truly a cause I support. Thank you for doing this.

    • Thank you so much for your message. I’m happy to be able to spread Wink’s work far and wide through this project and to allow her to continue to inspire people and educate them about depression even though she is no longer on this earth. Really appreciate your support in this. And sending hugs your way for your own journey through depression. <3

  23. Could the mandelas that are donated be sold and the money given to a suicide prevention or depression group? Just a thought….

    • That’s a great suggestion.

      Plans are still being figured out and all ideas are being considered. At this time I’m thinking that I would really like to donate the mandalas to individuals who have suffered the suicide of a loved one.

      I will definitely be giving a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the art book to a group like you’ve suggested. Anyone who wants to send ideas for such groups is welcome to do so. So far it’s been suggested that I consider AFSP.

  24. I made me so sad to hear about Wink. Just last week I was reading her blog and she had said she was in a dark place. And to think that Friday she took her life . So very sad. She was so very talented. A few months ago I ordered the Scheepjes yarn and watched her video on how to pronounce it. I remember giggling about it. Now I have to make that afghan. May she rest in peace.

  25. I have been to visit Wink’s blog several times, but did not know that she was suffering from depression. The crochet world has lost a beautiful soul. I’m looking forward to be part of honoring her with creating a beautiful manndela. I will also be able to go and visit the art show since I’m in SF every couple of month. Thank you for taking the time to put all this together for Wink <3

    • I’ll definitely keep you updated on the location of the art show when it’s been determined so that you can come! HUGS <3

  26. Do you have the pattern to share? I realize the colours are whatever I have but I don’t know how to increase correctly with each round

    • Thank you so much for sharing. I’m happy that we can support each other in this way and that we can come together to support the wider community as we all struggle with losing Wink. HUGS.

  27. Hi,

    First, I love this idea and I wanted to say I am joining. Second, you might want to let her family know when you send these to check her paypal account because I bought one of her mandalas to make. I hope I can get another before they take her store down because I want to be able to support them monetarily as we as with the mandala and I thought that might be the best way.


    Mel C.

    • Thanks Mel,

      I will make sure to try to pass that info along. If anyone knows how to reach Wink’s family, please let me know. I want to get in touch with them about the project so that they can see all of the support and also to send them a book of the project down the line when it’s ready.


  28. Hi, I read your post and I want to be in this project. I crocheted a mandala one of Her patterns, and shared it on instagram, facebook. But I am not sure I can mail it to you, ( I live in Turkey), if I can mail, it may not be delivered before the death line…But I share this post on my blog and also social media. How I wish to help more about this project. I feel really sorry about her lost

    • Thanks for your message. If you do want to mail the contribution to me, I will accept it when it does arrive. I’m happy to have contributions all over the world from people who want to honor Wink and raise awareness about depression. And if you decide not to send it in, that’s okay, too – your work sharing it around the web adds your voice as well.

  29. I only know Wink through seeing her listed as an influence to so many crafters in mags like Simply Crochet and Mollie Makes and I don’t know if I can contribute to the project because I’m in Australia and by the time I hook up a mandala there may not be time for it to arrive in the post…but I will feature your book on my blog and hopefully I’ll have a picture of my finished mandala to go with it. I’m sorry for Wink’s (and our collective) loss.

    • I would be more than happy to accept your mandala contribution when you are able to send it. If you can get it into the mail before August 31st that would be great (even though it will take awhile for it to arrive from Australia.) But any way that you can share or contribute is special, welcome and appreciated!

  30. Crocheting has been my companion thru the darkess times. It also has a deep spiritual impact on my life. There is a great need to understand this disease is a medical one, so people are not ashamed or embarrassed to reach for help before it is too late. I would use money to create a commercial promoting understanding depression to free depressed persons from the social stigma preventing us from sharing our darkness. This could be Winks greatest contribution…her tragic death could be a life’s lesson.

    • Yes, well said. So glad that you wrote it. I’ll add your suggestion for the money to the list I’m compiling to review before a decision is made. <3

  31. Maybe you could find a depression clinic or something to donate the mandalas to to decorate the walls or give to patients. Or you could sell/auction them and donate the money to Wink’s family or memorial or to a depression clinic.

    • Yes, I love these ideas. I’m adding all of the terrific suggestions to a list that I’ll review when the dust has settled a little bit. It feels too big to make a decision right now. <3

  32. Unfortunately, I am a stranger to Wink’s work. That being said I am not a stranger to depression and suicidal thoughts and past actions. I can understand the pain that goes with getting up each day. I have gotten much better the more mornings I’ve gotten up, but even that can be the biggest obstacle in ones day. My thoughts and prayers are with Wink’s friends and family in most difficult time.
    I would be honored to try my amateur hand at one of Wink’s Patterns and submit it.

    • I really hope that this project is able to keep inspiring people to find and share Wink’s beautiful work. I’d love to have your contribution!

    • Hillary, I (and I’m sure all of us here) hope that you will feel that you can share with us if you feel that you are in trouble with increasing depression, so that we can help to provide moral support and help encourage letting your medical consultant and family/friends know you are possibly backsliding into depression so added support can help you to keep on hanging on. Hugs to you.

  33. I love that you’re doing this. Stumbled on your blog today looking for a specific pattern while I plan some new projects (even though I’m not done with the one I’m making now, it’s a bad habit). I saw something about depression and had to follow the link. As I always get, I’m going though pre-pardum depression right now and right now crocheting is one of the few activities that helps me feel a little more normal and sane and less like crying or lashing out at my family (specifically, a baby blanket for my son due soon). I’m on meds which help, but it’s still awful to deal with. I hate how I feel and even more how I’m treating my husband and children as a result of it. I certainly don’t want to be mean to them. But now I’m rambling.

    Mostly just wanted to say that I love that you’re doing this. I have no knowledge of the woman mentioned here, but it’s such a lovely thing to do. Depression is awful and someone losing to it is heart wrenching, especially for everyone they’ve ever touched. I won’t be participating because it’s too raw of an issue to me right now (acknowledging depression in any way leads to a lot of crying at best) but wish you the best of luck with the project. I hope you have many, many people contribute.

    • Thank you so much Rosa. I’m so sorry that you are dealing with such a difficult time. Many people I know have struggled during pregnancy and after the birth of their children and crochet has helped them in immense ways. I hope that it continues to help you. Make sure that you reach out for support if you get overwhelmed. And be gentle with yourself. <3 Your voice hear means a lot and is your own way of contributing to the project. <3

  34. I was wondering if you thought of Maybe sending some of them to Winks family. They may really enjoy them and be happy to know how much she meant to all of us. Just a thought.

    • Yes, that’s definitely one of the options. I don’t know yet how to reach them personally (please let me know anyone if you have that contact info!) I want to do whatever will honor their wishes for sure.

  35. I would think donating to the Make a Wish Foundation after the Art show would put a smile on a lot of children’s faces.

    • Thank you, that’s a great suggestion! I’m adding it to my list of ideas which I’ll be referring to as the project gets further along. <3

  36. I’m in. I started mine last night. I’m so horrified by Wink’s death – before I started blogging I used to silently trawl through her blog and was amazed by her talent. It strikes me as tragic that so many wonderfully creative, inspirational people are plagued by mental illness, and I’m just sad that Wink couldn’t be saved. xx

  37. I was deeply shocked by the news of her passing. We are all one bad decision away, some of us closer than others. The suffering is real. I’ve never made a mandala but for this cause I will attempt it! I live near you in American Canyon (gateway to Napa) so if you need an extra set of hands I would like to offer my time as well.

    • Although I’ve done crochet circles, I’ve never intentionally crocheted a mandala before now so you’re not alone there. And we’re not alone in this community. I’ll definitely keep you in mind as things develop. Would love to have your help!!!

  38. Hi, Kathryn
    I didn’t know Wink. I didn’t even know of her until I saw the news in my feed on Facebook.
    I struggle daily with my “black dog”. I’m not ready to talk about it, but today I will take out my hook and make a mandala for Wink. Because dying is something I think about too much and living is hard work.
    I’m in South Africa so my Mandala might take a while to get to you. I sincerely hope it gets there on time.

    • Your contribution will definitely be accepted when it arrives. I know that it takes time to get here in the mail. <3

      Wishing you continued strength on your own journey. Reach out when you need support. <3

  39. There are no words that can convey my feelings about such a loss. There are no words that will deliver family and friends through this heartbreak any easier. My silent wish for strength and the knowledge that all are in my thoughts and prayers are all I can give. It is what helped me.

    I will be sending my mandela, each stitch with my silent prayers. <3

  40. I didn’t know Wink, even though crocheted her rainbow bowls a little while back. I do know that crafts of all sorts help me during low times, and stressed times, and times when I just need to be alone and contemplative. I would be honoured to contribute a mandala if you’ll have one from me.

  41. I will definitely be participating in #MandalasForMarinke. Thank you for creating such a touching and appropriate way for us in the crochet community to honor her life and her contributions to said community. I’ve battled bipolar disorder for many years, so although I didn’t know Marinke personally, I very much understand her struggle with mental illness and feel connected to to her and anyone who fights against this insidious disease. I want to thank you for helping to create awareness about the difficulties met by those battling mental illness. It is a disease just like any other and should be treated as such. I will not only be participating by creating a mandala, I will also purchase a book when those are eventually published. May I suggest perhaps creating t-shirts and/or project bags with the #MandalasForMarinke hashtag and pictures of some of the submissions on them, with proceeds perhaps going to a mental health awareness organization? Just an idea . . . Thank you again for your thoughtful project. 🙂

    • Thank you Sara. That’s an excellent suggestion! I’m going to add it to the list of ideas that I’m collecting. I feel like I’m still reeling from the news and can’t make good decisions right now. I’m taking solace in seeing the contributions and connecting with the community. When my head clears a little, I’ll go back to all of these amazing suggestions and see how to proceed.

  42. Thanks so much for organizing this project! I was so sad when I read the news on Monday, and I just felt like I didn’t know what to do. Wink was such a lovely person, and I am thrilled to have an outlet to help others learn of her creativity and good-heartedness. I can’t wait to get started 🙂

    • Thank you so much for your message. It’s been so hard for so many of us and I’m just glad that we have each other through this time.

  43. This is such a honest, beautiful way to celebrate such a creative spirit and it will help in the fight against depression. I am posting this to my friends and mental health networks here in New Zealand.
    I crochet and live with depression etc… Good to talk about it and read others who get what it’s like.
    Goddamned depression, taking more wonderful people from us.

    • Thanks Sue, contributions are definitely welcome from New Zealand and all around the world. As long as they get into the mail by August 31st it’s okay if it takes a long time for them to arrive through the transit. Definitely want to have as many people raising awareness about depression as possible. <3

  44. My heart is broken for Wink and for her loved ones. I’m fighting the battle, too. It sucks. Sometimes I want to give up, too.

    Thank you for organizing this memorial. I’m going to make Wink’s Summer Hearts Mandala to contribute. (I haven’t bought it yet but assume I can still do so on Ravelry.)

    • Keep hanging in there, engaging in good self-care and reaching out to your support system when you need help. HUGS. <3

  45. I will make one. Have looked at her blog for the first time today and am saddened that depression stole such a beautiful person from us.

    I am starting to read through her blog. Can someone please tell me how to stop those really annoying ads. I can’t get rid of the screen and each time I close down the page I have to trawl back through lots of posts to get back to where I was.

    I hope this isn’t offensive to anyone.. I too live with depression etc. and consider reading her words to be a tribute to her inspiring creative life.

    Also can we still buy her patterns? I like the idea of continuing to support her creative spirit and her memory by buying patterns as I can.

    Finally I wondered whether an idea for the Mandelas might be for people to pay for postage for them to be made up In to lap blankets or bags for people struggling with depression..e.g people admitted to hospital or to community mental health teams.

    Or maybe make comfort blankets for kids whose parents are in refuges or homeless shelters as visual proof there are people out in the world who want the best for them

    I actually think this project has the potential also to be like the aids quilts….

    • Thanks Sue,

      I’m not sure about the issue you’re having with ads. I don’t experience any problem with them myself when reading through her blog but everyone’s browsers are different.

      To my knowledge you can still purchase her patterns. I don’t know what’s going to happen with those accounts. I hope that her family will be able to access them and utilize the funds in some positive way but I haven’t heard anything yet. It’s probably all too new in the grief process to have dealt with that yet.

      I love your suggestions for the mandalas. I’ll add them to my list of ideas which I’ll be reviewing carefully with input from others before making a final decision as the project continues.

      So sorry that you also battle this ugly disease of depression. Sending loving energy and support your way. <3

  46. Am in for wink.
    Her soul rest in peace.Let god gives strength to her family.
    I wl post my work.

  47. I loved Wink’s blog and her designs. I too struggle from depression and have found comfort in crochet. I will be sending you my Summer hearts mandala for the project you are doing. I would love to help in any way I can. I don’t live too far from San Francisco and would gladly help do set up or any other task needed. It is a huge undertaking to do something like this, so please let me know if you can use another pair of hands.

    • Thank you so much Sheri. I really appreciate that support and would love to have that hands on help from you when the time comes. It means a lot! <3

    • Yes, I think it’s a great tribute to her to use her patterns for the mandalas, although you’ll notice in the FAQ section that it’s acceptable to send mandalas using other patterns as well.

  48. I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. Many hugs to you. It is a very sad day for everyone connected with Wink and for the crochet community in general. I am sad for the suffering of a beautiful, generous and talented person who has contributed so much to the crochet community, had so much support, and yet still was unable to fend off the dark depths of depression.

    How are you coping? I love your response to such a shocking and tragic event. I can’t imagine that there is anyone who has NOT been touched or affected by the illness of depression either through their own battles or those of a loved one and will support your awareness campaign.

    While I love the beauty of mandalas, I have never involved myself in the making of them but I would like to now to show my respect for Wink and also to show my support for you too and recognise the great achievements you have made despite the demons of depression by getting involved in this project. Take care of yourself and remember how valuable and loved you are.

    Good luck with the project. Such a great way to channel grief while making a positive difference to the world.

    Love Jodie xx

    • Thank so much for your support. I’ve been taking a lot of time for self-care and for crocheting in Wink’s honor. I’ve also done a lot of connecting with the amazing online community that has given so much support to each other during this time.

      (Update on me for anyone interested: http://diaryofasmartchick.com/2015/07/ups-downs-extremes-balance-the-confusion-of-losing-an-online-friend/)

      I’d actually never made a mandala before either. Not purposefully anyway although I suppose a few of the doilies and circle vests I’ve made had a mandala feel. It’s really special to me to be crafting them now and I hope that people will keep being inspired to try them thanks to Wink’s designs. <3

  49. I have struggled with depression as well for over 20 years now, and crochet has helped me immensely. I cannot describe how incredibly sad I am that it stopped helping Wink. And I cannot describe how amazing it is that this project has not only reached out across the globe to crocheters, but that people are speaking out about their own experiences with depression.

    I will make a mandala. I will likely make many. I have also made the #MandalasForMarinke project our monthly CAL in the Facebook group I help manage, and have shared it to another group I run locally. Thank you so much for organising this – it is an awesome thing you are doing.

    And to those of you struggling with the black dog? Hang in there – life is hard, but it’s better with you in it. *hugs for everyone*

    – Mandy

    • Oh thank you so much for sharing the project with your groups. I hope it not only celebrates Wink’s work but helps people craft through their feelings.

      Appreciate your message of support for all. HUGS <3

  50. I read Wink’s last post and prayed that she would somehow see the light again but….so much sadness I could not believe when I read the very sad news of her passing. So beautiful and young. God give her rest and light. This is a Great idea…I’m in. Thanks for the opportunity.

  51. I wish I could join in, because I love Wink’s work. Unfortunately I have had surgery to one hand, and can’t hold thread or hook. However I am with you all in spirit, and wish many people will benefit.

    • So sorry to hear about your surgery Pauline. Hope that you heal well. Your spirit will still infuse the project. Your message is so appreciated. <3

  52. I hope to get one to you. have one to do just need to and will find the time to get it done. RIP Wink

  53. This is really sad. I’m looking at one of Wink’s gorgeous mandala patterns in a back issue of Simpy Crochet right now figuring out what colors I can use. I love what you are doing here Kathryn to raise awareness of depression. The black dog visits me too at times and only a handful of my closest friends and family know. Why do we feel so ashamed to talk about it? Crochet helps me immensely and so does the fellowship of crafting with others even though the black dog often won’t let me leave the house. I look forward to seeing all the contributions and will see if I can help publicize this worthy mission further. Good luck!

    • I am so proud of you for posting this message today and letting more people in the world know about your depression. When we don’t talk about it, it grows. (Have you seen this Black Dog YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=XiCrniLQGYc)?

      I am so glad that you are able to channel some of these feelings through crochet and that you’re able to talk to at least a few people about what you’re going through. Your contribution will be so welcome and special in the project. <3

  54. Hi
    I have sent you my Mandala this afternoon from the UK. I hope it gets to you ok.

    • I so look forward to seeing it! Each contribution means so much individually and I can’t wait to see how they all look together!

  55. Thank you so much for putting this project together. Wink…
    I will start my Mandala tonight.

  56. Like many others I’ve been stopped in my day-to-day life by this very sad news. I’m a person who deals with depression too and all things creative help me immensely. I will contribute to this project as a tribute to Wink and to help to remove the stigma attached to this devastating illness.
    PLEASE take care of YOU and I send you a HUGE hug from Hampshire, UK xox

    • Thank you so much Sarah. I had a really rough day yesterday (which I’ve shared details about in my Crochet Saved My Life Ravelry group for anyone interested) and had to get honest with myself about what I needed to do to take care of myself. Reminders like yours are keeping me on track with that.

      Also really glad that you used the word “stigma”. I hadn’t used it yet and it’s such an accurate, powerful word.

      • Hi Kathryn, virtual hugs always available here as I find them very comforting to both give and receive. Wrapping someone in a hug says so much more than words ever can. Love & hugs Sarah xox

  57. Very sad & shocking to hear about Wink. Followed her blog for a long time & love your patterns & articles. All the best to her family.

  58. My mandala is already on it’s way to you. Thank you for helping to raise the awareness of this awful illness – several members of my family have been affected both currently and in the past. May you find the strength day by day to keep battling.

    • So sorry that your have family affected by this, too. It’s such a widespread issue.

      Very much looking forward to your mandala. Thanks so much for your participation! <3

  59. God bless you, Kathryn, for doing this for Wink. It’s obvious how many people were positively impacted by her creativity! I’ve seen tribute posts for her in blogs from all over the world. The crochet community has been hard hit by this – and we have all lost a dear friend…and it always felt like she was our friend when we visited via her blog.

    This disease hits families and friends so hard…it is like being punched in the heart. Our family was impacted by this many years ago – and it is a pain that never fully goes away.
    There’s always the question: “Could I have done something different?” “If I had only…”
    We know that the guilt is not ours,, but we have it anyhow…and will live with it for the rest of our lives – even though we KNOW in our hearts that we have done nothing wrong. The irony for all of us is that we know that Wink helped so many – men and women across the crochet community in so many ways. When I start feeling ‘down’, I do pick up my hook and get to work – and think of Wink and know I can keep on going.

    A heartfelt thank you, Wink, for all you gave us. We all hope and pray that you are now resting in peace with no more devils to bother you.

    • Thank you so much for your special post. I connect with so much of what you’ve said here. Wink’s impact has been far and wide. <3

  60. Oh no Kathryn, I believe her website has closed! It actually says “The website is under maintenance.” I was in the middle of creating one of Wink’s mandalas and now I’m going to have to wing it. Anyone else having this issue trying to log into “A creative Being” website? Does anyone have a copy of her “12-round mandala” pattern?

  61. Thank you for extending the deadline! I was very worried I wouldn’t be able to participate. she made me smile whole going through my own battle. She still does.

  62. I was going to design a mandala for wink, I did a search and fell on this post and am so happy to see that the date has been extended!!

  63. Hi Kathryn

    A few weeks ago I posted mine Spoke Mandala for Wink, in Belgium.
    They didn’t now how long it would take before he would arrive.
    But I hope you will receive it.
    Thanks for this project.


  64. Hola Kathryn, soy de Chile, lei tu post hace unos dias, me entusiasmo mucho, me parece una idea preciosa. Asi que lo hice, ya esta listo. Es un diseño mio, me encanta diseñar en cualquier hilado. Lo enviare por correo a la direccion que indicas. Igual haré algo mas para compartir tu iniciativa. Es una historia muy conmovedora, cercana, estoy segura que su trabajo y su legado sera recordado y revivido cada vez que hagamos algo similar por quien lo necesite.
    Un saludo afectuoso, Susana de Creaciones Susana

    te dejo un enlace a ravelry, con fotos

  65. I just finished my package to send tomorrow. I put two small squares in it. Maybe not mandalas but they were both inspired by Wink. If you can use them great. Wink touched me like a sister. Maybe more then a sister. Please keep me posted on this wonderful tribute to a person that sadly passed before her time. I take strength in knowing I came too close on my third try. I have been putting off reading the book Crocheting Saved my life but you know I am going to start it now. It’s time. And to anyone thinking of suicide…never stop asking for help. If someone turns their back ask someone else. I came too close the last time. I do not want to go there again because I won’t make it. I know to ask. And keep asking for help. I am sorry I could not help Wink. I cried when I got the news as I am sure many did. So sad. Such a loss. Sorry this got long.

  66. After a busy summer, I just logged into Wink’s webpage to see if she had a project going for fall. I am heartbroken at the news of the loss of this beautiful, talented, generous spirit. I am a beginner, but I will begin this weekend creating a mandala to send for the project. Thank you for organizing this- and maybe, somehow, somewhere, Wink can know how much she is loved.

  67. Kathryn, I made 2 mandalas; but they will be a few days late due to a couple of reasons. Can I PLEASE still be a part of this???

    Thank you,

    Elisabeth from Geekly Chic Crochet

  68. Thank You Kathryn for doing this! I made a mandala and it will be in the mail tomorrow morning. I also posted it on my Facebook page.

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