Ruby Jane's Lane Crochet Mandalas for Marinke

mandalas for marinke

Here is the next of the beautiful, inspiring, special contributions coming in to the #MandalasForMarinke remembrance project. I am grateful for each and every amazing contribution.

Contributions should be postmarked by October 15, 2015. Learn more here. If you absolutely can’t meet that deadline but want to participate, please email me at kathryn.vercillo (gmail).

Beautiful Crochet Mandalas/ Meet the Maker

Ruby Jane's Lane Crochet Mandalas for Marinke

Ashe of Ruby Jane’s Lane contributed six beautiful crochet mandalas, each one more special than the next. I could say lots about why I like them but I’ll just let their photos speak for themselves. Take a look while reading through the letter she included:

Crochet Mandala by RubyJanesLane

Dear Wink,

I stumbled across your story only by pure chance about a week ago on Instagram. Although I had never heard of you, your story and tragic passing left my heart aching for the hopelessness and sadness you must have been feeling, not knowing the heartache you would leave behind. I could only imagine the grief your family is embarking upon with the loss of such a beautiful creative soul.

Ashe's Crochet Mandalas for Marinke

The project I now find myself consumed by, initiated by your beautiful friend and fellow crocheter Kathryn Vercillo, is truly thought provoking and an incredible tribute to your stunning and inspired work fulfilled here on earth. The pride you should feel towards the positive effect you have left here should be truly heartwarming.

You have left a legacy behind that your family and friends can forever reflect upon and know that a part of you will always remain here in the mortal world. They will always have a beautiful piece of you to treasure and I think that this is such a special and significant gift in their current time of grief.

Ashe's Crochet MandalasforMarinke

Your particular love for mandalas has intrigued me and started my own personal obsession with such a beautiful and meaningful symbol. For this, I thank you. The handmade gift of choice for giving in my life will now be the mandala, and with it a powerful message of depression awareness, and that no one ever has to be so alone in their world of despair.

I hope Kathryn’s message, now linked with your beautiful mandalas and patterns, will spread throughout the world and bring each individual suffering with mental illness a small but significant ray of hope and happiness.

RubyJanesLane Crochet MandalasforMarinke

Sadly, I have friends who have lost their loved ones to the same tragic circumstances and the pain and heartache lives with them still. I hope that with more awareness projects, more lives will be saved and more trouble souls will be spared from the very real and difficult reality of depression.

RubyJanesLane Crochet Mandalas for Marinke

May you be sitting high on a cloud up there in heaven, free of your troubles, spinning balls of heavenly yarn and crocheting them into beautiful mandalas for all the lost souls of depression. Make that corner of the heavens a bright and beautiful place, enough to radiate to the mortal sufferers of this horrible disease here on earth.

Sending my love all the way to heaven, to you, a beautiful creator and soul.

Wink, you left the world your gift. What a beautiful gift to leave!

Ruby Jane's Lane Crochet MandalasforMarinke

My most sincere and eternal love and sympathy to all those affected by Wink’s passing. May she rest in peace and her work continue to inspire and create awareness to all those who know and continue to discover her.

I love all of the wonderful mandalas but I think my favorite part of this terrific package was the inclusion of this drawing by Ruby Jane herself, Ashe’s 6 year old daughter:

drawing from rubyjaneslane for wink

I posted it on Instagram and of course people adored it. Ashe added there:

“Wink’s story truly touched my little Rube Jane. I often find her still drawing mandalas. Wink’s creative and colourful passion will live on in so many generations of little artists, her life touched many.”

Visit Ruby Janes Lane on Facebook to find “handmade goodies for the little ones in our lives”.

Words by Wink

Crochet Mandalas by Ruby Jane's Lane

Wink was growing her own herbs and joyfully shared on Instagram:

The herbs in my kitchen are growing and I think it is the coolest thing EVER <3″

About Depression

Set of Crochet Mandalas by Ruby Janes Lane

One purpose of this project is to raise awareness about depression so each post ends with some facts, thoughts or quotes about depression, suicide and/or mental health. Many people are caregivers to others with mental illness and this can be a very, very difficult thing. NAMI has some good resources for caregivers. I especially appreciate that they remind caregivers that self-care is important (and not selfish!) they recommend:

  • Self-awareness about how stress affects you (do you get headaches? insomnia?)
  • Avoid stressful situations as much as possible
  • Practice good physical health – exercise, eating right, downtime, etc.
  • Recharge without feeling guilty when you’re doing things for you!
  • Notice the positive things in your day, which can be difficult but so important when surrounded by someone else’s mental health issues
  • Get support from others in the same situation; there are support groups through NAMI and elsewhere

All contributions to Mandalas for Marinke are so appreciated. They help raise awareness about depression while honoring her work in the same way that this great contribution has done today. 

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