DiAnna's Crochet Mandalas for Marinke + Her Crochet Story

dianna crochet mandalas for marinke

This superb collection of small and large crochet mandalas comes to us from DiAnna in Nebraska. She crocheted each of the mandalas herself, either using a specific pattern or making her own alterations inspired by a pattern – details about each pattern are shown below with the mandalas. Further along in the post you can learn more about DiAnna. This is a contribution to the Mandalas for Marinke project.

Crochet Mandala Rug

dianna crochet rug mandala

This crochet mandala rug will be included with the others that have been contributed to create a cozy crafting space at the Mandalas for Marinke art exhibit, which is likely to take place in Spring 2016. It’s a 40″ crochet mandala made with super bulky acrylic yarn using Wink’s crochet mandala rug pattern.

crochet rug by dianna

Rose Crochet Mandala

crochet mandala by dianna

DiAnna made this crochet mandala in Red Heart Super Saver Acrylic using the Radiant Rose Mandala Doily free crochet pattern by Bella Crochet.

flower detail crochet mandala by dianna dianna crochet mandala flower dianna crochet mandala colorful crochet mandala by dianna

White Crochet Mandala

white crochet mandala by dianna

I love the way that the texture creates the entire design on this all-white crochet mandala. DiAnna made this 20″ mandala with acrylic yarn using the Sophie’s Mandala (large) crochet pattern by Dedri Uys.

flower crochet mandala by dianna dianna white crochet mandala dianna crochet mandala white detail

More Sophie

crochet mandala red by dianna

This red crochet mandala is also Dedri’s Sophie pattern, but it’s her small crochet mandala pattern. This one was made with #10 cotton thread.

DiAnna’s Design

crochet center detail by dianna

DiAnna created the above crochet mandala design herself, which she also made using #10 cotton thread.

More Crochet Mandalas

small crochet mandalas by dianna

Here is a selection of DiAnna’s smaller crochet mandalas. Many of these will be handed out at the art show to people who feel that they are need of tangible symbols of support.

green crochet mandalas by dianna

These green crochet mini mandalas (above) and white mini mandalas (below), as well as some of the other ones below with the same design, were designed by DiAnna herself. She crocheted the, in various diameters, using #10 cotton thread, and she eventually developed the pattern into a miniature tea set.

white crochet mandalas by dianna

crochet wooden mandala by dianna

DiAnna also designed this unique multimedia crochet mandala that has a wooden center. I adore this one!

sparkly crochet mandala by dianna crochet mandalasformarinke

The two crochet mandalas above were both inspired by Wink’s patterns. The first one is made with sparkly #3 metallic thread; the second is made with #10 cotton thread.

purple crochet mandala by dianna

This is one of Wink’s crochet patterns, which DiAnna made using Red Heart Super Saver

matching crochet mandalas by dianna

These two lovely pastel mandalas are made using baby yarn. The one on the left is “Bonney’s World”; the one on the right is “Bonney’s Baby”. Both of these are crochet patterns by DiAnna.

diannas crochet mandala pastel crochet mandala by dianna colorful flower mandala by dianna

Here’s another version of the same Radiant Rose Mandala Doily by BellaCrochet, but this one is made using thread instead of yarn. Beautiful!

crochet mandalasformarinke from dianna rose crochet mandala by dianna crochet mandala detail with wood by dianna crochet mini mandalas by dianna

  • The peach-centered crochet mandala on the bottom left above is the center portion of the “Make a Crochet Mandala” tutorial by Wink. DiAnna shares, “I got so many compliments at this point that I left it here.” It’s a 2″ #10 cotton thread crochet mandala.
  • The red, white and blue mandala is a 1″ crochet mandala made using #10 cotton thread. Designer unknown. The one above it is similar but slightly larger.
  • The crochet mandala at the top right of the photo above is another version of Sophie’s Small Crochet Mandala by Dedri Uys.
  • The small blue and purple crochet mandalas here are 1.5″ cotton thread mandalas made using a design by SaannisDesign.

dianna crochet mandalasformarinke

DiAnna shares:

“I have had many careers in my life, and decided while raising my two children I needed to finish college. Of course, I loved it this time around. I continued on for a Master’s degree in Adult and Continuing Education, and while working at a private college, earned a doctorate in Educational Leadership. I moved to Peru State College, also my alma mater, for my dream job of Director of Records and Institutional Research when I was 49.

At the age of 56, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and my health started to nose dive. It wasn’t long before I was forced to retire. For several years I was plagued by more health issues and was unable to do hardly anything except exist and sometimes read.

Now at 64, with much support, I have come back part way and rediscovered some of the things I used to love. One of those things is crochet. It helps keep me centered. I want one of those shirts that says, “I crochet so that I don’t unravel.”

I learned to crochet when I was about six; my mother was an excellent teacher. When I was eight, I made a little cap for my granddad to wear to bed because he was bald and I thought his head would get cold. I still think one of the best things about crochet is being able to make things for others; to help make them smile. A regular for me is making prayer shawls.

This year has been filled with gifts for others; from bookmarks to 80″ blankets. I finally made a shawl that I am going to keep for myself … but I told my daughter-in-law she can have it when I’m gone. We shouldn’t feel we have to justify doing nice things for ourselves, but there you have it.”

See all mandalas for Marinke here.

Shale theme by Siteturner