Anonymous Crochet Mandala and Mini-Mandala


Thank you to everyone who is following along with the Mandalas for Marinke posts for your patience with the break in posts over the past couple of weeks. Between adopting @rescuedogKatara and traveling together to go see my family for the holidays, it was just impossible to keep up with the posts. Today resumes the regular schedule of daily posts, sharing what you’ve all amazingly created in honor of Wink and to raise awareness about depression and related mental health issues.


Today’s post is an anonymous contribution. It includes one standard sized mandala and one tiny mini mandala. Each of them is exquisitely done. The yarn choice, the colors, the stitches … everything is special and fabulous. I wish you could see these in person!


The one above is a mini mandala. In case you missed the post a couple of days ago, I’ve re-opened submissions for the project specifically to accept mini mandalas that can be handed out to people in need of support. Details here, along with a free mini mandala crochet pattern by Pink Mambo.


For the depression awareness portion of today’s post, I wanted to direct you to the inspiring story o Thomas Torres. Torres was diagnosed with schizophrenia at a young age, which he was able to get under control through medication and therapy, but he was left with debilitating depression. He felt hopeless about his life until a life-changing conversation with another therapy patient inspired him to make changes, and he ultimately found his purpose in becoming a peer mentor to others who are coping with mental health ailments.


The reason I chose to share that particular story is multi-fold. First, it’s a reminder that people suffering from severe mental illness still have a lot of potential to improve their lives, but it isn’t easy and sometimes depression continues even when a primary condition is under control. Second, it’s a reminder that we all have a purpose in this life, and when we find ours, it makes things better. It doesn’t necessarily fix our problems, but I truly, honestly believe that hearing our own heartbeat and moving in tune with it reduces a lot of the difficulties.


And finally, this story is a reminder that the things we say to people matter. You just never know what kind of impact you are going to have on someone with your words. Torres heard the right words at the right time from someone who may or may not know that he had this impact. This is why it’s important to be kind, to be honest, to be authentic and to share our own stories.


See all Mandalas for Marinke posts here.


  1. You were right about exquisite. I love Torres’ story, because it reminds me so much of how the help of others who have faced difficulties are often amazing mentors for people still caught in the darkness. Thank you for sharing this. 🙂

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