Sarah's Crochet Mandalas + Longform Depression Articles on Medium

sarah watson crochet mandalasformarinke

Today’s crochet mandalas for the Mandalas for Marinke project come to us from Sarah Watson in Aberdeen, Scotland. There is one large crochet mandala as well as one mini mandala. Note: Mini-mandalas are still being accepted for this project.

sarah watson crochet mandalas for marinke sarah watson crochet mini mandala

Sarah writes,

Thinking of you Wink, and your family too. I hope you’ve all found peace now that you are no longer struggling. With love …”

sarah w crochet mandalasformarinke

For the depression awareness portion of today’s post, I wanted to make sure that you know about Medium, where there is often high-quality, smart writing in longform about important and interesting topics including issues related to depression.

sarah watson crochet mandalasformarinke cetner

Some article recommendations:

I don’t necessarily agree with everything in these articles, but I think that they’re thought-provoking and interesting. And although it probably goes without saying, some of them may be triggering so read without caution if you’re in an emotionally precarious place.

sarah w crochet mandalas for marinke sarah watson crochet mandala

These crochet mandalas are part of the Mandalas for Marinke project. You can see all Mandalas for Marinke posts here.

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