Shelley's Crochet Mandala Rugs

shelley crochet rug mandalas

Shelley in Ohio has sent in this beautiful package for theĀ Mandalas for Marinke project. It includes four different crochet mandala rugs, which will be set up with the other rugs I’ve received to create a cozy crafting corner at the Mandalas for Marinke art show (which I’ll have more information about in a month or so).

I love these so much. Most days I share depression awareness information in each post but I was thinking that today, on this quiet Sunday, that it might just be a day to clear our minds, get the facts out of our heads, and just enjoy beauty … because that, too, is a key step in reducing depression. So let’s just enjoy these photos …

shelley kelsey crochet mandalas shelley kelsey crochet rug mandalas shelley k crochet mandalasformarinke shelley k crochet mandala rugs for marinke shelley kelsey crochet mandala rugs for marinke shelley kelsey crochet mandala rugs for wink shelley crochet mandala rugs for marinke shelley crochet mandalasformarinke shelleys crochet mandala rugs for marinke shelley crochet mandalas shelleykelsey crochet mandalasformarinke shelley crochet mandalas for marinke shelley kelseys crochet mandala rugs for marinke

You canĀ see all Mandalas for Marinke posts here.

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