Christina's Crochet Mandala + New Depression Screening Guidelines

christina crochet mandalasformarinke

This pretty crochet mandala that builds outwards in color from light pink to dark pink, through purple then green, comes to us from Christina Federici of TinasToastyToes. She shares,

I’m 36 years old. I live on Long Island, just outside of New York City. I love to crochet and have a little Etsy shop where I sell slipper socks. I crochet to relax, and to entertain my cat Peanut, who seems to love yarn as much as I do.”

On Etsy, she adds,

“I learned to crochet as a pre-teen from my grandmother, and for a while I gave it up. I recently returned to it, and have been crocheting like mad! … I enjoy working with various weights and fibers of yarn. For me, the more vibrant the fiber, the better looking the end product becomes!”

christina crochet mandalas for marinke

She includes a message for Wink:

“Ever since the news of your death started making its way through the online crochet community, I’ve been thinking about you. I didn’t know you personally, but I’d heard of your work. When I saw all the touching tributes to you, I decided to go to your blog and get to know you. What a sweet, wonderful and talented woman you were. You will be sorely missed by crocheters around the world.”

christina crochet mandala for wink

For Wink’s family and friends, Christina adds,

“I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you will find comfort in your memories of Wink and in knowing that she touched so many people all around the world.”

Rest in Peace, Wink.

christina crochet mandalasformarinke post

And finally, she shares about the mandala,

I’ve never made one before this, and I learned to make it from Wink’s online tutorial. I’m now one more person that she touched and taught, and when I teach my friends to make these, I’ll be sure to tell them all about Wink.”

christinas crochet mandalasformarinke

For today’s awareness-raising portion of the Mandalas for Marinke project, I wanted to let you know that the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has released new guidelines for recommendations of who should get screened for depression. It actually recommends that ALL ADULTS should be screened for depression, because there are so many people suffering from the condition without realizing that’s what it is. They also specifically recommend that women who are pregnant or newly mothers should be screened for pregnancy-related depression as it is far more common that is diagnosed. This is a huge, sweeping recommendation, and it’s almost a little shocking, but it’s important because it shows recognition of the fact that depression is a widespread condition that affects many, many, many people and should be acknowledged and treated as the serious issue that it is.

christina crochet mandala

This post is part of the Mandalas for Marinke projectYou can see all Mandalas for Marinke posts here.

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