Becky's Crochet Mandala and Healing Through Crochet

Becky's Crochet Mandala 2

Continuing on with our fabulous Mandalas for Marinke daily posts, we’ve got a bright and bold contribution today from Becky Doverspike. It was difficult for me to photograph; I’m still learning how to get the best angles on the really bright colors, but it’s one of my favorites. There are these fabulous sparkly threads that run through it and they really made me smile. I liked it before I even read what Becky wrote about it, sharing,

“The reflective yarn used in the mandala is meant to reflect Wink’s contribution to society as the pattern is hers. It’s hard to see unless light shines on it, especially in the dark.”

Becky's Crochet Mandala edge

Becky Doverspike can be found on Facebook under her name and also has a Facebook page under Bits By Becky. She writes,

Although I just became familiar with Wink and her story, it touched me because I, too, suffer from clinical depression, and I use crochet to keep myself from going over the edge. It relaxes me and I get great satisfaction in making things for others.

Keeping Wink and her family in my thoughts and prayers as I spread Wink’s story in hopes of raising awareness amongst everyone who reads her story.”

Becky's Crochet Mandala sparkle

She elaborates about her own crochet health journey in her letter,

“I have only recently become aware of Wink’s blog, book and story. It popped up on my Facebook page, and I was touched beaus I suffer from major depressive disorder and have been close to suicide on many occasions. I also crochet to ease my anxiety and depression, and it helps me greatly. I am able to relax and reassess my situation at my lowest points.

Becky's Crochet Mandala detail

“Crochet also helps me understand when I need to get help. When I quit crocheting (or doing other crafts) it’s time for help. I’m convinced that being able to recognize when I nee help has saved my life several times. I think other people who suffer probably have other ways to cope but for anyone who doesn’t have a strategy, crochet would be worth a try.”

Becky's Crochet Mandala center

Becky adds,

“To Wink and family …

It is with all my heart that I keep you in my thoughts and prayers. May the hurt that fills your hearts be quickly replaced by special and loving memories. May you all find peace in the love that you share with Wink and the love that you share with each other, easing this time of grief.”

Becky's Crochet Mandala

This is one of the posts made in honor of Wink, in celebration of crochet mandalas and to raise depression awareness. See all Mandalas for Marinke posts here.

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