Jo's Crochet Mandalas + Brain Food Scale for Depression

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This set of crochet mandalas for Marinke comes from Jo, who can be found as JoRobinson on Facebook, Ravelry and Etsy.

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She explains, “For the mandala I used Scheepjeswol Cotton 8 yarn. I bought some years ago in Amsterdam. It felt appropriate. I like the Dutch’s crochet style. Marinke was a beautiful girl and made beautiful crochet. I had never attempted a mandala before, so thanks for the inspiration! I really enjoyed it – like a big crochet puzzle!”

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Jo also shares, “I am a 43-year-old florist. I haven’t been able to work for the last three years due to Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia), Anxiety problems and chronic fatigue syndrome (ME). Crochet has been my saviour the entire time, distracting me and counting me through life, making me feel useful and creative. I made this up as I went along!”

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Re: depression awareness … I think that we all know that diet can impact symptoms of depression; eating right can help us with our mental health. But what does eating right mean?

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Scientists have created a new “brain food scale” that can help specifically with understanding a diet for dealing with depression. Note that this is relatively new information and may not be right for everyone but it’s always good to learn about some of the options that could help us.

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Drew Ramsey, MD, assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Columbia University has worked with others and “compiled a list of what they call brain essential nutrients (BEN) that affect the treatment and prevention of depression”.

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Some of the key nutrients we need:

  • calcium
  • fiber
  • long-chain omega 3 fatty acids
  • vitamins B1, B9, B12
  • vitamins D and E

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What seems to be suggested for most people is a plant-based diet that incorporates some meat to get your B12. This may not be right for everyone. I, personally, have stopped eating meat for at least the time being as a result of many ethical concerns with it. I think it’s important for me to be aware that this could impact my mental health and stay aware of how any dietary changes seem to affect my mood.

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See all Mandalas for Marinke

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  1. Many people need to supliment vitamin B12. Some people don’t absorb the B12 well from food. This becomes more likely as we age. Plant based diets can also cause a deficiency. Luckily, supplements work well, so those who chose to eat plant based do not need to eat animal products to get vitamin B12.

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