Joanne's Mixed Media Crochet MandalasForMarinke

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As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, there was an error in a previous post, where I attributed a mandala rug to Emmy, when it was actually made by Joanne. Joanne, from Ohio, sent in a truly beautiful collection of mandalas for the Mandalas for Marinke remembrance / depression awareness project.

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She included a framed piece, which sadly I have to reframe because Katara broke the original frame (but the piece is still intact, thankfully). She also included mandalas made in mixed media, including rope, and with lots of little buttons and accessories attached them. Those are great for people to be able to get a tactile experience of the mandalas! Joanne calls this a “fiddle piece”, because she noticed that many people love a different texture to fiddle with. We discussed dementia patients and how helpful these are for their restless hands.

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With one of the mandalas (and I’m sorry, the got mixed up and I’m not sure which one), she included a dedication:


Even slower is CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy) which can only be detected after death.

RIP Junior Sean, Frank Gifford, and over 70 others whose bodies have shown CTE upon autopsy.”

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And with the rope mandala she writes,

“Heroes. Those who protect us. Lay down their lives and limbs. Often can not escape depression or PTS. We cherish them and we here will not forget to include them in our quest for answers to the Darkness!”

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To use this rope was indeed a challenge. The final product is imperfect as we are, yet it speaks a message nonetheless.”

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Enjoy her work:

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See all Mandalas for Marinke posts.

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