Juanita's Crochet Mandalas for Marinke

juanita crochet mandalasformarinke

This contribution to the Mandalas for Marinke remembrance project comes from Juanita who writes,

juanita crochet mandala for wink

“I love all things colorful and creative. I love dumb puns, skull clothing, roller skates, books!, singing at the top of my lungs, and music in every moment of my day. I’ve even discovered a new love for yarn arts that fills me with inner sunshine, BUT, I suffer from depression because of bipolar disorder.

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There’s a darkness that depression sufferers are always trying to run or hide from. I turn and fight to the best of my ability by looking for small, simple joys in life. Some days are easy – my child’s bright face, warm rays of sun on my skin, scents of baking, yarn in my fingers – I recognize the lovely moments as they appear. Some days are quite heavy, and one can feel the darkness nipping at the heels. I worry about having too many of those days.

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It was especially difficult to read about Marinke’s passing. My deepest and sincerest sympathies are with Marinke’s family at their loss. It’s so incredibly sad that she succumbed to her illness, and I truly hope that she’s happy, peaceful, and basking in the light on the other side. It must be hard to understand but hopefully her loved ones will find peace with her tragic decision one day.

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To all my fellow depression sufferers; please keep fighting. When you feel low and without color, I implore you – Ask for help. You are loved.

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See all Mandalas for Marinke contributions

juanita crochet mandalas for marinke

Shale theme by Siteturner