Mary's Crochet Mandalas and Healing with Crochet

mary crochet mandalasformarinke

This contribution to Mandalas for Marinke comes from Mary who writes,

“Yarn is my passion and it gives me peace when I pick up a skein and a hook.”

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I only knew Wink through her crochet designs. Her stitch and color combinations were unique and always appealed to me. When I heard of her suicide, I was saddened that she felt the need to take such a drastic step. Our world has needlessly lost an amazing and talented young woman.

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For many years I suffered in silence. Afraid to speak to anyone about the dark thoughts of suicide that entered my mind on a daily basis. I am extremely fortunate that my two attempts to end my own life met with failure. Today, that dark cloud rarely descends thanks to professional help and learning to talk about my feelings. Learning that depression is not something you need to be ashamed of has helped me tremendously and has enabled me to live fully.

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Crafts and the arts have always been of interest to me but I never really took time to enjoy them. Now, in the six years since my cancer diagnosis, I practically live with a hook (and sometimes needles) in my hand. Being able to create beautiful objects, and give them away to others in need, brings me immeasurable joy. This joy of creation and giving is the best medicine for my depression.”

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This post is part of the Mandalas for Marinke remembrance project.

mary crochet mandalas for wink

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