Richele's Crochet MandalasForMarinke

richele crochet mandalasformarinke

This contribution to Mandalas for Marinke comes from Richele, who can be found as Chele Dee on Facebook. She writes,

richele crochet mandalas 2

“Shine on, Marinke, Shine on.”

And she adds,

richele crochet mandala 5

“My daughter purchased Crochet Saved My Life for me after my mom’s passing in 2011, as I traversed the uncharted territory of grief – one frogged stitch at a time. I found genuine comfort in your book – and all the justification I needed to expand my yarn addiction!”

richele crochet mandala with heart

She also does a great job of sharing some of why this project was all about crochet mandalas:

richele crochet mandala

“Mandalas are circular designs which symbolize our relationships to the universe and the belief that life is never ending. Mandalas appear to us in all aspects of life. The earth, sun, and moon represent celestial mandalas, which conceptual circles of life may include family, friends, and community. Mandalas convey oneness with the universe and peace.”

richele crochet mandalas for marinke

This post is part of the Mandalas for Marinke remembrance project.

richele crochet mini mandalas

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