Daphne's Crochet MandalasForMarinke

daphne crochet mandalasformarinke

Today’s contribution to Mandalas for Marinke comes from Daphne.adora who says on Instagram, “I love to knit and crochet. I also like the outdoors, music and reading.” She adds on Ravelry, “I learned to crochet a few years ago. A friend in a night class taught me basic stitches several years ago. But it didn’t click at that time. I picked it up again in 2005 one winter when I was burning out on bead work. I checked out books from the library and re-taught myself.”

daphne crochet mandalas for wink

She writes,

“I was not familiar with Marinke or her work until I heard of her suicide. When I heard about her passing, I looked at her website and it affected me a great deal. I could strongly relate to her designs and sense of color.

daphne crochet mandala 4

I also have struggled with depression. Knitting, crochet and the people I have met through those interests has helped me a great deal. Working with yarn is a big creative outlet, gives me a sense of accomplishment and relaxes me.

daphne crochet mandala 5

I wanted to contribute to this project because I feel it is important to raise awareness and decrease the stigma of depression and mental illness. For the mandalas, I used Wink’s basic 12 round mandala pattern.”

See more posts from the Mandalas for Marinke project.

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