Each day I post one of the mandalas for the Mandalas for Marinke project, which is designed to honor the life and work of crochet designer Marinke Slump (who we lost a few months ago to suicide) and to raise awareness about issues related to depression. Here were November’s posts:
Crochet Mandalas for Marinke by the Crochet Guild of Puget Sound
Steph’s Mandalas + Factors Linked with Depression
Crochet Mandalas (with rug) by Susan Laney + Understanding Bipolar
Texas Women’s Terrific Group Contribution
Anne’s Crochet Mandalas + Mental Health Issues in India
Linda’s Mandalas for Wink and Sammy + Crohn’s Link with Depression
Brenda’s Crochet Mandalas + Types of Trauma
Kerry’s Crochet Mandala Art + Black Dog Videos
Fran’s Crochet Mandalas + Living Through Trauma
Monika’s Crochet Mandala + Language of Suicide
Monique’s Crochet Mandala + Mandala Meditation
Crochet Mandalas by Carolyn Christmas + Films About Depression
DiAnna’s Crochet Mandalas + her story
Elizabeth’s Crochet Mandala + Baby Bereavement Crochet
Cayty’s Button Crochet Mandala + Hypo/Hyper Arousal
Crochet Motifs by Patty Davis + being depressed online
Alexandra’s crochet mandalas (CrochetingThruChronicDiseases) + how crochet heals
Stephanie Davies crochet mandala + balancing activity and contemplation
Cathy’s crochet mandala + BuddyBox
Jeanette’s crochet mandala + suicide rates in New Zealand
Joanne’s crochet mandala + sound therapy for depression
Heather’s crochet Mandalas for Marinke
Roxanne’s crochet mandalas from Australia
Andrea’s crochet mandala + suicide attempt survivors
Carolien’s crochet mandala + Ruby Wax on depression
Stephanie’s crochet mandalas for Marinke + pet therapy for depression
Sarah Bradley’s crochet mandalas + flowers for depression