Madalena's Crochet MandalasForMarinke + Wink In The News

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These gorgeous crochet mandalas come to us from Madalena in Portugal. She writes, “I read with great sadness the news of Marinke’s death. She will stay with us forever, a star that shines in heaven. These three mandalas made by me are to honor the life and work of Marinke. Sending a big hug of solidarity to family and friends.”

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In case you haven’t spotted it yet, Wink’s little sister shared a post on Wink’s blog this week, highlighting that Wink’s story was shared in a Dutch newspaper. It discusses the Scheepjes CAL 2016 and how so many of the participants are thinking about (and honoring) Wink with their participation, since of course she was the designer of the 2014 CAL.

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Wink also began the design of the blanket for the 2016 CAL, which somehow I hadn’t actually realized until seeing this article. Scheepjes shares,

“As many of you know, this CAL was designed by the late Marinke Slump ( aka : Wink) from and was the final design she was working on at the time of her passing. In accordance with the wishes of Marinke’s family, 12 of her online friends and bloggers have completed her unfinished design to present this beautiful and sensitive CAL in Marinke’s memory and as a tribute to her work.

The theme of this CAL is : Last Dance on the Beach.
We are sure Marinke would approve of one final dance together on the beach with all her creative friends”

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The article about the CAL, as translated by Tinc, says in part,

“Of course crocheting has grown the last couple of years, but this project is so popular because of the story that goes along with this cal. It is so sensitive” says Job de Bondt from Scheepjes. “People are finding comfort in it. Buying a pack also contributes a small payment to MIND, a charity for physical health issues.”

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And it ends with something we know …

“A lot of people also got their own story why they participate with this CAL. There are some who are experiencing the same difficulties with their depression, or have dealt with someone they knew who commited suicide. For all of those it’s often a form of therapy when having a hard time. Crocheting makes them focus on something else then their personal issues.”

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Beautiful. Heart-touching.

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I also wanted to mention that Wink’s birthday passed recently. I saw it pop up on Facebook and it jolted my heart in that way it always does when Facebook tells me news about someone now gone. I hug to any of you who saw that as well.

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This post is part of the Mandalas for Marinke remembrance project.

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