Misha-Anne's Crochet Mandala

misha-anne crochet mandalasformarinke

This contribution to the Mandalas for Marinke remembrance project comes from Misha-Anne in Sydney, Australia who writes,

misha-anne crochet mandala 2

“I never spoke to Marinke, never commented on her blog, we never interacted … But when I was in the grip of a severe depression that spanned a couple of years, when I was in the same dark place, hers was one of the crochet patterns that lit a way through.

misha-anne crochet mandala for wink

I will always be grateful to her for that sharing of creativity and the joyous colors of her patterns. There is a blanket she designed I’ve been wanting to make for ages, and when I do start it soon, it will be worth the conscious gratitude of taking her legacy into the future.”

misha-anne crochet mandala 1

See all Mandalas for Marinke posts.

misha-anne crochet mandala for marinke

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