Christa's Crochet MandalasForMarinke

christa crochet mandalasformarinke

This contribution to the Mandalas for Marinke remembrance project comes from Christa of TheCurioCraftsRoom in The Netherlands. She writes,

“I only came across Marinke’s work just two months before her passing. It is so beautiful, colorful and positive. So hard to believe she is no longer with us. Hard to grasp all the pain she went through. I myself have never been depressed but I have had and still have occasionally my own struggles with dark thoughts triggered by lack of energy and feeling very tired. I have come to know myself pretty well over the past three years and through mindfulness have learned how to deal with my anxiety. I am grateful for that.”

christa crochet mandala

“It breaks my heart that Marinke was pulled under. I think about her and all others who struggle and are having a difficult journey through life right now. I look forward to seeing the beauty and compassion that will come out of your project, our project, your light and our light.”

Christa’s photos were better than mine so let me make sure to share these as well (from Instagram):

christa crochet mandalas christas crochet mandala for wink

See all posts from Mandalas for Marinke

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