Shelly's Crochet Contribution to Mandalas for Marinke

Shelly Bowles (who can be found on Instagram as 78th_stitch says: “I have Asperger Syndrome, fibromyalgia, and chronic depression. Crochet helps me cope with pain, the world and stress. I like to think of myself as a string artist.”

Jamie's Crochet Contribution to Mandalas for Marinke

This is Jamie’s first-ever crocheted mandala. She shared:

“It is a 12-round Wink mandala in Lily Sugar ‘n Cream, both solid and variegated, made in hopes that it brings comfort to Wink’s community, helps spread the word about mental health issues, and serves as a reminder of love, art, light and life. I am grateful for Wink’s art and generous spirit and for this memorial to her.”

Shale theme by Siteturner