Monique's Crochet Mandala + Mandala Meditation

Today’s beautiful floral crochet mandala for the Mandalas for Marinke project comes from Monique Lubberink from Easy Now Mindfulness, which is a one-woman-business in New Zealand, through which she gives mindfulness training, mindfulness parenting skills, workshops, etc. She formerly worked in The Netherlands as a psychologist for adults with ADHD and / or autism spectrum disorders.

Elizabeth's Crochet Mandala + Crochet for Baby Bereavement

This exquisite crochet mandala comes for the Mandalas for Marinke project comes from Elizabeth who writes,
“I turned to crochet as therapy for my postpartum depression and anxiety. It has helped me through some of the worst times in my life, and has made me a better wife and mother.”

Cayty's Crochet Mandala + Hyper/Hypo-Arousal

Today’s crochet mandala for the Mandalas for Marinke project is a beautiful blue crochet spoke mandala with a double button center detail. It includes more than half a dozen shades of blue yarn that pop beautifully against one another.

Patty Davis Crochet Motifs for Marinke + Being Depressed Online

These two lovely crochet motifs were contributed to the Mandalas for Marinke project by Patty Davis who shares that she has been diagnosed bipolar for many years and is still trying every day. She shared a crochet pentagon in great bold primary colors and a crochet circle-in-a-square that Wink would have loved.

Shale theme by Siteturner