Ana Sudy's Crochet Mandalas for Marinke + Thoughts On Richard Brautigan

Today’s dazzlingly colorful crochet mandalas for the Mandalas for Marinke remembrance project come to us from Ana Sudy in Chile. In case you’re just tuning in, Mandalas for Marinke is a project that honors the life and work of Marinke Slump who died by suicide this past summer. The work raises awareness about depression and suicide while carrying on the beautiful legacy of her creativity and crochet patterns.

Mandalas for Marinke Reach Children Through Exhibit

Thank you again to each and every one of you who has participated in making this project as amazing as it is. It is only through each contribution that the project is able to be what it is. When Wink was interviewed for Crochet Saved My Life, her contribution helped people, and I’m so touched to know that her work continues to help people in this way even though she is not with us now.

Shale theme by Siteturner