Bold, Beautiful, Colorful Crochet Mandalas with Excellent Messages

mandalasformarinke set

Today we have three gorgeous crochet mandalas for the Mandalas for Marinke remembrance project. I believe that these were contributed anonymously. However, like a few others in this month’s batch, the mandalas were part of the group that Katara dispersed around my room, so there’s a chance that I’ll discover as I complete this batch that there was a letter with them after all. If I find that I’ll immediately update this post! In the meantime, here are the mandalas and their beautiful messages.


May this remind you of brighter days. With Love and blessings.

mandalasformarinke rainbow2 mandalasformarinke rainbow mandalasformarinke3

I think of you as I crochet this butterfly, its wings echo the sense of freedom you must have now, Wink. Thank you for your wonderful creativity; you brought beauty to the world. You are not lost. Go fly and be free, for you are extraordinary.

mandalasformarinke butterfly mandalasformarinke butterfly 2 mandalasformarinke

With this I send my heartfelt sympathies. I wish you all the strength to carry on.

mandalasformarinke green mandalasformarinke 5

Today I also want to share the link to a Mental Health Daily article with ten quotes related to suicide, with an explanation about each that provides insight into mental health issues. For example, it quotes Emilie Austin as saying, “Nothing in my life has ever made me want to commit suicide more than people’s reaction to my trying to commit suicide.” It goes on to discuss the stigma of suicide / depression and how alienating and damaging that can be.

mandalas for marinke

Shale theme by Siteturner