Charlie's Crochet Mandala + "Suicide" Shampoo

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This sunny crochet mandala comes to us from Charlie Lethbridge in Australia for the Mandalas for Marinke remembrance project.

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In case you hadn’t heard about this, I thought that I’d share the issue of the “suicide shampoo” that was in the news. This is a brand of shampoo that was sold at Urban Outfitters and Anatomicals called “Peachy Head: Peach Shampoo for Suicidal Hair”.

The back of the bottle reads,

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“Well, i knew it was feeling a little off color, but i just put that down to the bad dye job. i never knew my once beautiful hair would actually commit suicide by tossing itself off dramatic white cliffs to the rocks below. now look at me, completely bald”. before it’s too late, bring your locks back from a state of complete depression with this conditioning peach shampoo. it’s hair heaven here on earth.”

As you can imagine, there were a lot of people who were upset to see this. It was likely not intentionally offensive to people with depression and suicidal feelings … but intentional or not, this is a really triggering and totally unnecessary and inappropriate form of advertising. On the one hand it makes light of suicide, and on the other hand it also glamorizes it. We definitely don’t want either of those things!

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There was a big backlash and thankfully Urban Outfitters chose to pull the product off the shelves.

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See all Mandalas for Marinke here.

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