Catarina's Crochet Mandalas + The Possibility of Zero Suicides

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Catarina of No Lugar Que Chamo Casa writes, “I am an expat SAHM of two boys. I was born in Portugal, but I live in Luxembourg. I’m a yarn lover! I make toys, dolls and fashion accessories, which you can see on my Facebook page.”

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She adds, “Marinke, You inspired me! I hope you have found the peace you were looking for. You will be missed, little star!”

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Catarina used Wink’s crochet patterns: the 12 round standard mandala pattern and the butterfly peacock mandala pattern for this colorfully wonderful contribution to Mandalas for Marinke. The translation of her blog post about the project reads, in part,

“No need to personally know a person for it touches us in some way. It was the case of Wink , the girl of mandalas, for whom crochet was a way of being and living. She said that the crochet had saved her from a treacherous and silent disease ….”

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Today I wanted to share a Medscape article by Megan Brooks called Driving Suicide to Zero: It’s Possible. I love the idea of striving for zero suicides, a number that can seem so impossible but really what other number would be acceptable? One? One Hundred? One Thousand? Let’s strive for zero.

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The article is about “A rigorous programmatic approach to suicide prevention led by Magellan Health Services, in Arizona”. From the article we learn,

“In the first 90 days of implementation, there were no reported suicides in the Marcopia County Medicaid behavioral health population in Arizona. The Magellan Driving Suicide to Zero Initiative also decreased the suicide rate (number of suicides per 100,000) by 67% for the population and by 42% in people with serious mental illness.”

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The program takes a systems approach, rather than a “one doctor” or “one patient” approach. It looks at altering entire systems in order to reduce the suicide rate to zero. Something about this just gives me immense hope.

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Catarina also included this cute crochet heart in her package.

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See all Mandalas for Marinke posts.

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