Melissa's Crochet Mandala and Struggle with Depression

This “Sunshine Amid the Storm” mandala comes to us from Melissa in Canada (on Instagram @mknyveld). She writes, “This mandala symbolizes my struggle from suicide attempt, to putting my life back together slowly. I didn’t think it was possible, but ti make with my hands continues to help bring light on dark days.”

Kari's Crochet MandalasForMarinke and Depression In Generations of Family

These two precious crochet mandalas come to us from Kari Green of Jester Creations. Kari is a Scottish 40-something single mother of two teenage boys. She loves knitting, crocheting, drawing and reading and says she, “can’t not have a creation in the making in my hands when I’m not working. And I know all too well how mental health issues can impact on every aspect of life.”

Shale theme by Siteturner