Marit's Crochet Mandala

marit crochet mandalasformarinke

This contribution to Mandalas for Marinke comes from Marit whose beautiful work can be found on Instagram and her blog. She writes,

“I am a married mum with four beautiful children (ages 14, 8, 5 and 2). Live on a small island just outside Aalesund called Valderoey (Norway). I tried to teach this craft for years. But failed. It was not until a friend of mine showed me how to make a granny square. It was like that missing piece of the puzzle. Or mate it came to me when I needed it the most. It helped me through some very difficult times. And when I teach others, I always tell them to put one feeling in each stitch. And that pride in their eyes when they finish a beautiful piece makes my heart skip a beat. It takes a great deal of courage to face your feelings in that way, to learn how to use your vice again!”

marit crochet mandalas

Photo by Marit

She adds for this project,

“Crochet taught me to use my voice. It let me share my feelings when I struggled to find the words.

A fellow crocheter, a beautiful soul, can no longer raise her voice. But we will not forget. It was important to me to join in, so her voice can still be among us.

Marinke’s work touched and inspired so many. She left too soon. But her legacy and work will keep inspiring crafters in the future!”

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