Rachael's Crochet Mandala for Marinke

rachael crochet mandalasformarinke

Today’s contribution to the Mandalas for Marinke remembrance project comes from Rachael who writes,

rachael crochet mandala 1

“I was a keen follower of Wink’s blog and work and was deeply saddened by her death. She was such a young, talented lady. So to celebrate her life, I have made one of her mandalas, and my thoughts and condolences go out to her family.

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Depression is a constant struggle for people who suffer from this illness.

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To Wink: I am thinking of you and all that you have done and how many lives you have touched with your fabulous talent.

RIP Wink.”

rachael crochet mandala for wink

See all posts for Mandalas for Marinke.

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